Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Mrs. Ennis - A Mother and Teacher To Many

(Written by Aedan Roach)

The Calvary Christian School held at Calvary Bible Church in Deer Park, NY is a school founded for home schooler's in which homeschooling families can participate in an academic program and/or an activity day that focuses on electives, arts, and physical education. Mrs. Ennis, a homeschooling mother, has been teaching at the school for the last three years, while her children attend classes.

Currently, she teaches science and history for the elementary students and debate and fine arts for the high school students. She enjoys teaching all classes but specifically said that she enjoys the informal debates in her debate class. Mrs. Ennis also assists in the drama department for the Calvary Players for the annual play that they put on. She stated that she appreciates that her children can be a part of this group; however, it can be time consuming. She feels that her children are getting the subjects that she wouldn’t necessarily teach at home. At Calvary, she feels like she is part of a family unlike some of the other home school groups she has encountered. She stated that in other home school groups, it is sometimes hard to get to know people because the groups are larger. She enjoys that Calvary is relaxed, less strict, and less rigid.

During the interview, Mrs. Ennis also gave suggestions for improving the school. She stated that it would be beneficial for the children, if other classes such as an automotive class, carpenter class, computer class, and archery were made available. She stated that she would like the school to have a prom, Yearbook committee, school spirit wear, and provide short term sports. She also suggested field trips and instrumental lessons, but understands that the school would then have to hire someone for these lessons, which would make the tuition raise. She stated that the current tuition is affordable because parents teach the classes. Lastly, she expressed that she would like Calvary to have a week off before Christmas and Easter, so her family’s focus is on church.

Mrs. Ennis explained that the school and church is in a transition. Grace Community Church has taken over Calvary Bible and Calvary Christian School and is planning to renovate the entire building. Mrs. Ennis said that everyone attending the school is unsure of the change. Her opinion on the change is that she hopes that the school will still fit in with the new church. She believes that God is in control and that overall it will be a good thing. 

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